Category: EdTechPage 1 of 2

Digital Citizenship: Hype or Help?

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Reflecting on H5P for Web Learning

Here is some text that I am going to link to the Goat Girl’s website, aka my daughter’s website. Below is an Unsplash image of a goat that I…

Test media

Jillian’s Goat World website.

DSC VR Tour Using H5P

Here is a DSC Virtual Reality Tour using the H5P “Virtual Tour (360)” plugin. Enjoy!

Accessibility Reflection

Accessible Photos Add a picture…

Making Photos and Videos Accessible

Here is some text that I am going to link to the Goat Girl’s website, aka my daughter’s website. Below is an Unsplash image of a goat that…

How to Make Your WordPress Home Page Static

Here is a quick video tutorial to show you how to make your WordPress home page static, and now show your most recent blog posts:

Rich’s Screencast Video

This is my tutorial video for topic 3. I used Screencastify to record my Mac desktop and then edited the video in iMovie. Here is an example of…

Getting Started with WordPress

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Free inqury…

My video presentation for the University of Victoria, Let’s Talk About Teaching professional development conference (online this year), for UVic professors and instructors. I discuss the two features…